Version Control with Git Quiz

Version Control with Git Quiz
This is a quiz on the topic of ‘Version Control with Git’, designed to test knowledge on key concepts and functionalities associated with Git. Participants will encounter questions covering the definition and role of Version Control Systems, the origin of Git by Linus Torvalds, the significance of commits and repositories, and the mechanisms for handling merge conflicts. Additional queries will focus on Git commands for branching, merging, and visualizing commit history, providing a comprehensive overview of Git’s operations and best practices within software development.
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Start of Version Control with Git Quiz

Start of Version Control with Git Quiz

1. What is the role of a Version Control System (VCS) in software development?

  • A Version Control System increases software size.
  • A Version Control System edits project files automatically.
  • A Version Control System tracks changes in project files.
  • A Version Control System creates backups of your computer.

2. Who developed Git, the widely used version control system?

  • Linus Torvalds
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Bill Gates
  • Steve Jobs

3. Define Version Control in the context of programming.

  • Code Debugging
  • Task Management
  • Version Control
  • Project Planning

4. What is a commit in Git?

  • Branch
  • Pull request
  • Commit
  • Repository

5. In Git, what term describes the centralized location for project files?

  • Repositories
  • Tracks
  • Directories
  • Backups

6. What is the three-way merge algorithm used for in Git?

  • Fast-forward merge
  • Two-way merge
  • One-way merge
  • Three-way merge

7. How can you resolve a merge conflict in Git effectively?

  • Use the command Git merge –continue.
  • Ignore the conflicts and push anyway.
  • Manually edit the conflicting files and commit the changes.
  • Delete the conflicting files and restart the repo.

8. What command is used to abort a merge operation in Git?

  • Git cancel merge
  • Git merge –abort
  • Git abort merge
  • Git stop merge

9. How do you visualize a summarized commit history in Git?

  • Git log –graph –oneline
  • Git commit –summary
  • Git status –verbose
  • Git branch –list

10. What is a pull request in the context of Git?

  • Branch request
  • Pull request
  • Commit request
  • Merge request

11. What can you do if a remote repository is unavailable?

  • You must wait for the remote repository to come back online.
  • You can only view the last commit made.
  • You can continue to work with the local repository.
  • You cannot make any changes until it is available.

12. Which version control characteristic allows handling large projects efficiently?

  • Manual version logs
  • Single file tracking
  • Centralized file storage
  • Distributed version control

13. Explain what a Git ID is.

  • A version of a software package.
  • A type of merge conflict.
  • A command to install Git.
  • The name of a Git object.

14. How does changing a large file by one character affect its SHA-1 value?

  • It would remain the same.
  • It would change drastically.
  • It would only change if several characters are altered.
  • It would change slightly.

15. What do branch labels in Git point to?

  • A specific version of a file
  • A remote repository
  • A commit in the repository
  • A created tag

16. What is the effect of the checkout command in Git?

  • Checkout only saves changes to the local history.
  • Checkout prevents all changes to the current branch.
  • Checkout retrieves files from a remote repository.
  • Checkout updates the working tree and HEAD reference.

17. What is meant by a detached HEAD in Git?

  • The HEAD reference points to the latest branch.
  • The HEAD reference only points to local branches.
  • The HEAD reference points directly to a commit SHA-1.
  • The HEAD reference is an alias for the repository name.

18. What happens immediately when you delete a branch in Git?

  • It creates a backup of the branch automatically.
  • It deletes the branch and its local references.
  • It only removes the branch from the remote repository.
  • It preserves the branch for future use.

19. What command allows you to create a new branch in Git?

20. Describe how to switch to an existing branch in Git.

21. How is a branch merged into the main branch in Git?