Start of HTML Fundamentals Quiz
1. What is the purpose of the `` element?
2. What is the purpose of the `
` element?1. What is the purpose of the `` element?
2. What is the purpose of the `
` element?3. What is the purpose of the `
4. What is the purpose of the `
` element?5. Which HTML tag is used to define a heading?
6. How many sizes of headers are available in HTML by default?
7. Which HTML tag is used to define a paragraph?
8. How are quotations defined in HTML?
9. How is black color represented in terms of RGB values?
10. What is the correct syntax to write an HTML comment?
11. What is the purpose of the `
` tag?
12. What is the purpose of the `
13. Which HTML tag is used to render text in italics?
14. Which HTML tag is used to render text in bold?
15. What is the default value of the BORDER attribute?
16. How to create an ordered list in HTML?
17. How to create an unordered list in HTML?
18. How to display preformatted text in HTML?
19. How to set a font for a whole page in HTML?