Front-End Web Programming Quiz

Front-End Web Programming Quiz
This quiz focuses on the topic of ‘Front-End Web Programming’, covering essential concepts related to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It includes questions about the purpose and function of HTML elements, CSS properties, and JavaScript methods. Participants will be tested on various aspects, such as the Document Object Model (DOM), responsive design principles, and techniques like Ajax for dynamic web development. Each question is accompanied by explanations that clarify the correct answers, providing a comprehensive assessment of front-end programming knowledge.
Correct Answers: 0

Start of Front-End Web Programming Quiz

Start of Front-End Web Programming Quiz

1. Q1: What is the primary purpose of HTML in web development?

  • To style web pages
  • To manage server data
  • To create animations
  • To structure web content

2. Q2: Which CSS property is used to change the font size of an element?

  • font-size
  • line-height
  • text-size
  • font-weight

3. Q3: What does the acronym `DOM` stand for in web programming?

  • Dynamic Object Manipulation
  • Document Object Model
  • Design Overlay Model
  • Data Operations Model

4. Q4: Which JavaScript method is used to add a new element to the end of an array?

  • slice()
  • push()
  • pop()
  • shift()

5. Q5: What is the purpose of a CSS reset?

  • To define custom color schemes
  • To optimize image loading
  • To add animations to elements
  • To normalize default styles across browsers

6. Q6: Which HTML element is used to define navigation links?

7. Q7: What does the `src` attribute in the `img` tag specify?

  • The image loading speed
  • The image display size
  • The image format type
  • The image source path

8. Q8: In JavaScript, what is the function of the `this` keyword?

  • Represents an array element
  • Stores data in a local scope
  • Refers to the execution context of the function
  • Specifies the type of variable

9. Q9: Which CSS property is used to change the background color of an element?

  • background-color
  • display
  • margin
  • color

10. Q10: What is the role of web browsers in front-end development?

  • Creating server-side scripts
  • Interpreting and rendering HTML and CSS
  • Managing database connections
  • Compiling JavaScript code

11. Q11: What does the `display: none;` CSS property do?

  • Changes the element`s color
  • Resizes the element to zero
  • Makes the element transparent
  • Hides the element from the page

12. Q12: How do you select an element by its class in CSS?

  • *classname
  • #classname
  • classname
  • .classname

13. Q13: Which HTML element is used for the largest heading?

14. Q14: What is an event listener in JavaScript?

  • A loop that iterates over items
  • A method that modifies input
  • A function that reacts to events
  • A variable that stores data

15. Q15: What does the `opacity` property in CSS control?

  • Element position
  • Color brightness
  • Transparency level
  • Font size

16. Q16: Which JavaScript method is used to convert a value to a string?

  • convertData()
  • String()
  • parseValue()
  • toText()

17. Q17: What does Ajax stand for in web development?

  • Active JavaScript and Xpath
  • Automated JavaScript and XSL
  • Advanced Java and XHTML
  • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

18. Q18: Which attribute is required for elements that are interactive, such as buttons and links?

  • rel
  • src
  • tabindex
  • alt

19. Q19: What is the difference between `==` and `===` in JavaScript?

  • `==` is used for assignment, while `===` is for comparison.
  • `==` checks for value equality, while `===` checks value and type.
  • `==` compares objects, while `===` compares arrays.
  • `==` checks both type and value equality, while `===` does not.

20. Q20: What is the function of CSS grid layout?

  • It creates a flexible grid system for layouts.
  • It selects elements in JavaScript.
  • It defines font styles for text.
  • It adds animations to page elements.

21. Q21: How do you create a comment in CSS?

  • # comment
  • /* comment */
  • // comment
  • — comment

22. Q22: What is the meaning of responsive design in web development?

  • A design that only works on mobile
  • A design that adapts to different screen sizes
  • A design that is fixed in size
  • A design that uses bright colors only

23. Q23: Which HTML element is used to define a list of items?